We know that Becoming Your Best You is not an overnight process.
Deciding to purchase the book was step one, reading the book was step two and putting the steps into action is step three and there might be a number of future steps before you look in the mirror and actually see your best you.
For some people putting the action steps into place will be easier than others.
We want to help you along that path by offering you a number of resources starting with our BEST YOU online 10-week program.
This online 10 week BEST YOU program includes a weekly module that will arrive in your inbox every Sunday. Each module includes:
- A YouTube video where I talk to you about the module and the key learnings
- 3 action steps for the week
- A review of how far you have come to date
- A short and long term goal setting exercise
- Daily affirmations for the week
- 3 questions to think about and answer during the week
On completion of the 10-week program, you will receive a Certificate of Completion – PLUS you will become a member of Bruce’s Your Best You Network and receive invitations to special events in your region as well as webinars, online programs and online access to my earlier books.
So, if you think you might need a little extra help to step up to living your best life and being your best you, please click here to enrol for the HOW TO BE YOUR BEST YOU online 10 week program for only $99!