What an inspiration! Bruce was just what was needed at the National Meeting of State and Territory LearnScope Managers. LearnScope is a professional development project, supporting the 2006 Australian Flexible Learning Implementation Plan which is funded through the Commonwealth of Australia. Tired, feeling overworked and a little overwhelmed by the amount of reporting and presenting required, members were challenged to take stock and focus on the important things rather than the urgent ones.
Bruce presented for us at the Australian Flexible Learning Framework Showcase in December 2005 and I was convinced that he would be an excellent speaker to re-energise us, challenge and charm us, I was not wrong!
Personally I loved it even more the second time around. I cannot stop thinking about his philosophy of life and what really matters. Bruce’s message is so practical and obvious, however the way he presents it makes us sit up, take notice and take action.
I have recommended, and will continue to recommend Bruce to my colleagues so that they, and their colleagues, can also experience his warm, witty, wonderful presentation.