Hi Bruce
I just missed your call and I’m sorry I was not able to be speaking with you directly.
The verdict is consistent – this was the best event we’ve ever done. You are the best presenter most of us have ever experienced. We have decided to call off next year’s retreat because we wont be able to beat this one! The Managing Partner – who is VERY hard to impress – claimed it was a complete triumph! The poor man who tried to follow your act on Saturday night to entertain the troupes at dinner, failed miserably and had to be ‘sacked’ at half time!
We have had numerous reports of people committing unnatural acts and they are all reported on out intranet. Lots of people are J-ing – preparing for meetings and getting things done.
Here are a few comments:
“By the way I did an unnatural act with the in-laws last night (sorry for the imagery that conjures up) – kept my trap shut when inanities started over dinner. VERY difficult with my profile.”
Sender will remain anonymous to protect the in-laws!…
“If you see people mysteriously dropping pens from one hand to another muttering ‘fact of life’ ask them what they mean “
“6:30am Sunday I had a laugh with a guy who nearly wiped me and my car out on Victoria Road. He’ll never know who to thank.”
“I have been recommending Bruce to anyone I speak to – I trust you wont mind. Our Brisbane officer managing partner who was there for the day intends to ask you to do a day for them.”
So, thank you, I know Jaci’s recommendation would be good but I’ve learned to check things out for myself having had the odd failure previously – hence my rigorous questioning of you when we met to plan.
i’m sure we’ll meet again.