15 August 2005
I have had the pleasure of attending a number of Bruce Sullivan’s presentations, both as an audience member and as a coordinator of his sessions within Holden Ltd.
Bruce’s enthusiasm is contagious and his ability to connect all people in the room is a unique and invaluable skill.
Being a large global company, GM Holden has a broad spectrum of business units and cultures. On a number of occasions I have witnessed as Bruce has been able to take rooms full of people from different areas of our business on a journey together, presenting relevant and meaningful insights that have been very well received by our people.
Bruce’s presentation skills are unmatched in my experience. He has on all occasions been able to synthesize the issues and information relating to what we have required from him, and responded with entertaining and meaningful, content-rich presentations.
The ‘on the day’ feedback from our people is that he is contagiously enthusiastic and very engaging. Perhaps more importantly for us however, is that his tools and messages are as meaningful for our people on an individual level, as they are for our business, and our feedback suggests that these tools and messages have been successfully applied by our people beyond the ‘on the day’ experience.
I have no hesitations in commending Bruce’s presentations, in particular for use in time of significant of difficult change situations. I am happy to be contacted should there be any questions about the work Bruce has completed for GM Holden, or my feedback.