Kirra Tours
22 May 2006
We are delighted to enthusiastically recommed the training and personal development programmes presented by Bruce Sullivan and the Pace Learning Organisation.
Kirra Tours has used Bruce on three occasions in recent years for staff training and development, most recently early this month.
Bruce was exceptional. He took an interest in our business and industry and had clearly done his homework on us so had a sound knowledge of who we were and what we did and was therefore easily able to understand and respond to questions. This we considered especially important as many Facilitators have only a superficial knowledge of their audience and business.
On each occasion, in consultation with Bruce, we chose themes to our business at that time with his interpretation of our needs reflected accurately in his delivery.
His presentations were energetic, he ensured the whole audience was involved so there was an excellent interaction and he made himself available during breaks to everyone, including the most junior.
Without question his enthusiasm and positive demeanor is contagious and never varied from arrival at 7:30 in the morning until departure at the end of the day.
Probably the best recommendation came from our staff… “can we get him back next year?”…
If you would like to find out more please contact the undersigned at your convenience.