19 November 2008
Hi Bruce and Claire,
I just wanted to say a huge thank you for yet another fabulously successful Staff Development Forum. By 5 pm yesterday afternoon, less than an hour after finishing in Eight Mile Plains, people as far away as Bayside were already talking about ‘how great the forum was’.
I attended an Executive Management Meeting at 9 am the following morning where I was listening to feedback from participants about how wonderful the forum was while others who did not attend, were saying they had already heard how successful it was. It was even more uplifting to hear some of the strategies being implemented – one executive was listing the excuses for not being there and another turns to her and says “that is no excuse – just not good enough”. What a priceless moment it was!
One of the key objectives I had set for the forum was for staff to enjoy themselves and feel rewarded and appreciated after such a difficult year full of constant change. I feel that objective was easily achieved and exceeded – so thank you for that.
Claire, you are always so accessible, organised and such a pleasure to deal with. Every contact I have with you is a positive experience – so thank you.