In the current economic climate, consumers are finding themselves being slightly more selective about the products and services on which they spend their money. To ensure that you customer’s think of you, your company, and the services that you can offer them when they are in the market it is important that you work towards building and maintaining a solid working relationship with your business contacts.
Pay Attention To The Small Details
During the course of your interactions with your customers you should be sure to pay attention to the small details of your conversations. Perhaps your customer makes a brief mention of expecting a new baby, or perhaps your client mentions having purchased a new car – you should jot these little details down in your client files so that you can mention them during your next visit or discussion with you clients.
Everyone can appreciate someone who remembers and takes an interest in the details of their personal lives.
Keep In Touch
Be sure that you reach out to your clients on a fairly regular basis to find out if any of your new products or offered services may be of interest to them. While a good portion of business communication is handled via email in this technology-reliant world, you can add the personal touch to your professional relationships by picking up the phone and having an individual conversation with your clients.
- Be sure to keep the conversation friendly without being overly sales-driven.
- Remember your professionalism manners.
- Enquire about their family and briefly touch upon other personal aspects of their lives that they may have shared with you in the past.
Focus On Customer Service
In nearly all industries, customer service is notoriously for being an area that is more customer-no-service than it is known for being an area that is helpful to customers who have concerns. You should take steps to ensure that your business offers your clients an exceptional level of communication and service, no matter what stage they are in the purchase process. Your focus should always be on various methods of improving the business transaction experiences that you clients have with your business.
Be A Source Of Information
To further assist your clients with their own business needs, and to continually work on building your solid working relationship with them, consider making yourself an all-encompassing source of information for your clientele.
By having a complete comprehension of what your client’s needs are you will be able to ensure that you are able to meet them by becoming a steady resource of information, products and services.
Refer business towards your steady customers as an additional method of fostering a good working relationship.
Be Efficient And Prompt
To your client, time can oftentimes be something that they are in short supply of. Be certain to respond to inquiries and other customer communications promptly to ensure that your customer’s needs are met as rapidly as possible. Keep your communications concise and factual!
Taking the time to build your working relationships with the businesses and people who can help your own business stay afloat is a key part of professional success.
Helping Children Understand Death
Death and the thought of dying can be very frightening for many individuals. This is a part of life that many people have a hard time with no matter what age they are. It is easy to understand why it can be even more difficult for children to deal with as well.
There are some things that parents and caregivers can do in order to help children understand death. This article will examine what some of those things are.
One of the main things that parents will want to do is avoid telling the child that the person is sleeping. Think about that for a moment. Sleep is something that is short term. However, death is long term and children will not understand that. So, comparing death to sleep is not a good idea at all. This will only make it more difficult for the child to understand what is actually taking place.
Next, it is very important for parents and caregivers to simply state the facts related to what has happened and expect the child to be very upset and to ask a lot of questions. This is totally normal and the caregivers should be willing to answer any and all questions that the child may have. Parents that do not believe they will be able to answer the child’s questions may want to plan ahead and ask someone to help them with this task. Actually, some parents may even want to ask a preacher to assist them with this task as well.
If the individual that has passed away was sick before they died the child may begin to worry that they will also die if they get sick, or become ill. This can cause a great deal of stress and anxiety for children. Therefore, parents and caregivers will need to spend a lot of time reassuring their children that they will not die just because they become sick. Many children will also begin to worry that their parents, or other loved ones, will die. Again, this can cause a lot of stress for the child. Parents need to make sure that they are keeping an eye on this stress and anxiety. If needed, the child may need to speak with a professional in order to work through their feelings. There is nothing wrong with this, and parents need to understand that sometimes this is needed to help a child get back to where they were before the death took place.
The main things that parents, and caregivers, need to remember is that children only need certain information. The information that is given should be kept short and it should be factual. Yes, it is important to tell children what they need to know in terms that they will understand. However, it is important not to confuse them and stating that the person is sleeping will only create confusion. Always remember that professionals can provide a great deal of support and this may be the way to go after grieving time has been given. This is especially true if the child seems to have a hard time adjusting.
What Couples Counseling May Do For You
Individuals may find themselves having relationship difficulties from time to time. This is something that is very common among couples and it is not something that should be taken lightly. Couples that continue to wrestle with the same issues over and over again are continually harming their relationship. Therefore, these couples may want to engage in couples counseling in order to improve their relationship. This article will explore some of the benefits related to this decision.
First and foremost, this couple will most likely learn how to communicate more effectively with one another. Many times both individuals have something that they want to say but they are not sure how to say it. They may be trying to communicate something very important to the other person but it simply comes out wrong. The other person may take something that was stated the wrong way. If you have ever been in a relationship like this then you know that it can become a vicious cycle and nothing ever seems to be resolved. Therefore, working in a therapeutic setting may be the best way to learn effective communication skills.
Secondly, when couples engage in therapy they may be able to work together towards a common goal. There may be times when both individuals want the same things they are just unsure about what they need to do in order to reach this goal. Both people may have different ideas. When they fight over the solutions they are simply creating barriers that introduce conflict. Working with a therapist may be the best way to learn effective problem solving. The couple will learn to work together, rather than working against each other.
While there are many benefits to couples counseling, one of the main benefits is that the couples will learn how to appreciate and love one another again. We often find ourselves engaging in the everyday activities of our everyday lives. This means that we forget about our partner. Many couples end up feeling unloved and unappreciated. When the couples learn how to reconnect and spend time together, they end up rekindling the love that they once had for each other. They learn about what the other person may be thinking, or feeling, and they learn effective ways to work through these feelings.
Couples therapy should not be avoided if partners find themselves struggling each day. There are plenty of therapists that are trained and willing to help couples work through their issues so that they can have a positive relationship. It is very important to remember why you fell in love with the person in the first place so that you are motivated to get help. Just do not wait until it is to late if you want to save your relationship.
First Date Activities that Should Always be Avoided
Dating can be very exciting for the individuals that have not found the right person and settled down just yet. But, many people become very concerned about the first date. This date really does lay the groundwork and it will definitely help determine if any other dates will take place in the future. Let’s face it, if the first date is poor, the person will not want to date you again. So, there are a few things that individuals will want to avoid when it comes to the first date. The rest of this article will explain some of these things.
Number one relates to your family. Individuals that are on their first date should not take the person to meet their family. This can be very intimidating. It can also cause the other person to believe that you are moving at a really fast pace. Meeting the family should be something that is done once you have been on several dates and you are being to make things more serious. It may even be a good idea to discuss where the relationship is, or where it is going, before introducing each other to family members.
Another bad first date idea would be the classical dinner and a movie. Many people really think that this is a great idea but it is not. It is very difficult to get to know one another when you are sitting in a movie. It is also very uncomfortable eating in front of someone that you do not know. Shorter first dates are also better a lot of times. Therefore, it might be much better to go to a coffee shop, or somewhere for appetizers, or dessert rather than dinner and a movie. This will give both individuals an opportunity to talk to one another and to determine if they would like to go out again.
Many people will go out on double dates when they are going out for the first time. This is actually not recommended either. It can be very uncomfortable for the other person when they are stuck in a group with people that they do not know very well. You might have a really good time if it is your friend. But, your date will not be very comfortable and they may have a very hard time adjusting to the way that you interact with one another. Inside jokes may also make it difficult for you and your date to communicate with each other.
As you can see, there are a lot of things that are considered deal breakers when it comes to the first date. The sad part is that many of these things are often the main things that individuals do when they are planning their first date. So, it is very important to make sure that the date will provide an opportunity for individuals to talk and get to know one another in a very controlled manner. Also, remember to keep the first date much shorter than the dates that will follow as well.
To Have and To Hold….
We have all heard how it’s not easy to maintain a good marriage, how it takes a large level of effort and how both individuals have to work at it. It’s sad that what you most often hear about marriage are the difficulties that seem to plague many of these sacred bonds. Admittedly, there are some intricacies associated with maintaining a marriage, but it is really all about remembering the relationship qualities that lead us to marriage in the first place. It seems that we merely need to ask ourselves “why and how did we fall in love?”
It is certainly true that our relationships change as the years pass by, as we experience a variety career pressures, take-on a mortgage, raise children and cope with other life stressors. However, these things do not have to negatively affect the fundamental bases of our relationship; those characteristics that made our relationship strong in the first place. If we are not cognizant of these, we can become one of those couples working too hard to maintain a marriage because we forgot about its history. Among these married people, it seems that there are some simple principles that are commonly lost on couples who have been in a relationship for any extended period.
Most notably, married individuals seem to become more of individuals over time. We forget that marriage is about two people sharing a common bond. A marriage is about unity; about two becoming one. It is integral that we, as partners, eliminate selfishness from our existence and make every decision with the consideration of our partner. Here, we can recall those date nights that we compromised when choosing a restaurant or finding entertainment that we would both enjoy.
Similarly, there are too many couples whose selfishness and individuality have completely severed our communication. A number of us can reminisce about the days when we and our partner stayed up all night just talking; talking about nothing in particular. But, as the years pass on, it seems that we have forgotten not only the intimacy that such conversation can bring, but we also neglect the practicality of communication. As a couple, we must remember that we always have something to say.
Finally, we forget about those little nuances that we found so unique and attractive in our partner and start pointing-out every oddity and mistake. The tendency to “err is human”. We all know this. Yet, we start holding our partner to some unreachable standard and eliminate the opportunity to give and receive happiness. We take our partner’s mistakes personally, rather than recognizing that no human being is perfect. We need to love our partner for all of those little character flaws that attracted us to them in the first place and to forgive them when they make a mistake. Even if they make a thousand mistakes!
To maintain a positive and enjoyable marital relationship, we must not forget where the marriage originated. It came out of an atmosphere of love and acceptance and of a genuine interest in one another. Considering our partner distinctive and one-of-a-kind, rather than looking upon them as faulted, is of great importance to our relationship stability. Most importantly, we must not forget the vows we took on our wedding day, which are irrevocable and everlasting promises made before God.
What Does Your Child Look Like?
Article by Justin Coulson.
See his Happy families blog here or follow Justin's twitter.
If your children could see themselves through your eyes, what would they see?
In a local park I recently overheard a conversation between two parents. "He's such a terror!" "She's a totally spoiled little brat." "This child is driving me crazy."
It was an eye-opening moment, because when I looked at their children I saw a helpful girl playing with a younger sibling, an energetic boy laughing and running and climbing with excitement, and a child who wanted to share his playtime with his mum.
The way we 'frame' a situation, or a person, heavily influences our interactions. If we consistently see our children as frustrating impediments in what would otherwise be a well-ordered life, then every interaction with our children will be marred by that default view. Such a view promotes a deficit-orientation towards a family. It reduces motivation on the part of parents to help their 'good-for-nothing' 'bratty' 'ungrateful' children. And unsurprisingly, such an approach is hardly inspiring for children. They feed off the negativity of parental perception and typically live up to precisely what is expected of them... which is not much.
Conversely, seeing our children as people - real people - who we value, and who bring positives to our family and our lives ensures that our interactions with them can be far more positive. We take a strengths approach, stating what we value and appreciate in them, and sharing those positives. We consider things that they are good at and invite them to develop those attributes. We give them opportunities and acknowledge their contribution.
We decide whether the glass is half full or half empty. This is not to be naive or ignorant of shortcomings and concerns. When we see a half-full glass, we can still recognise that it is not completely full, and we can help to remedy that in appropriate ways. But it does make a big difference.
If you see your child as talented, helpful, and willing to think of others, you'll see those traits exhibited more. If you see your child as selfish, a non-contributor, and rude, it's amazing how often those attributes will be evident - often prompted by the expectations of those around her.
Are your children angels, or terrorists? Are they a delight, or delinquent? Are they a pain or a pleasure? They can be either, but if we choose to see them as angels, as a delight, and as a pleasure, then they most likely will be.
Your children can see themselves the way that you see them. What are they seeing?